A fun week planned

Being that this is 4th of July week, we have some fun things planned. Well the beginning of the week is pretty normal, cleaning, shopping, things like that. 😉 But on the 4th we are going to a friends house for a bar-b-que and to watch the local fireworks in our town. These are new friends of ours that we made at our new church. We can’t see the fireworks from our house, but you can see them about a block from their house. It should be a great time. We are getting to know this couple more and more, and we are blessed to be invited over to their place.

Then on Friday another couple we’ve known for years, are having their 4th of July bar-b-que. No fireworks at this party, but lots of friends, food and a good time. It will definitely be a fun, party filled week. 🙂

We are also in the search for a new couch. I have to say, that is not fun for me. I really wanted it to be fun, but the prices and lack of selection is really making it a chore more than a fun time. We thought we found one, but thankfully we measured it and our living room before buying it. It was too big. 🙁 Then another one we liked, they only offered the floor model, but still at the normal price. No thank you, neither of us really want a used, floor model especially without a discount. Paul has Thursday and Friday off, so we should go looking on those days, but honestly, almost every day he has had off for the past month or so we have been busy. It would be nice to have a weekend with him without having to run out and do more things. Maybe we’ll try and go Tuesday before he goes to work, he’s working a later afternoon shift that day. Either that, or just wait until next week and not worry about it right now.

The other fun thing I’m doing this week is picking out some audio books, that will be mine, not library books! 😀 I joined an audio site, Christian Audio, and they have so many good audio books. They are having a huge sale that ends this week, so I’m going to make sure I order at least a few audio books before the sale ends. This is technically still an anniversary gift. I just haven’t finished picking out what I want. I keep trying to decide if I should pick books that I’ve already listened to and that I can get at my library, but I really like them and might want my own copy. Or get some books that my library doesn’t carry that I’ve really wanted to listen to. I’m learning towards the latter. I’m finding more and more Christian writers that I really like, which makes picking my favorites even harder. 🙂 But the sale ends this Saturday, so I need to order them soon.

Well, I hope you all have a blessed week, and a happy 4th, to all my American friends.

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6 thoughts on “A fun week planned”

  1. Nice write up. I guess we will go to Carries for the 4th, at least for the eats. I would say don’t be in a rush about the couch. The one you have is fine so if it takes a long time no problem. Just look when your in the mood, and stop when you have had enoug. Its not like and emergency. Thats my two cents worth. Have a good weekend and don’t add any more stress on yourself. Have a blessed 4th. Sounds like a lot of fun. Glad you found audio books on sale. There again, maybe buy a little of each, some you already have read but want your own copy and some that your library doesn’t have. Just another two cents. hahahaha Love

  2. Have a great and fun week. I can’t wait ’till we can get a new couch. It is more of a chore searching for one than a fun thing, you are right.

  3. I love your mom’s advice! She sounds like a wise lady. 🙂

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend not running around after that couch!


  4. Sounds like a busy week. We watched fireworks in our park from the window on the stairs–on the eve of Canada Day, and again on Canada Day. We’ve never gone down to the park–could probably see more there as the trees are getting tall, but I never remember them in time.

  5. Thanks for checking in at Fit Mommy even though you had ‘nothing’ to post about. 🙂

    Hey, not eating too much is a good thing and takes willpower even though you may find it boring to write about! I hope you get cooler weather soon. I’m wearing layers this morning, and it’s a refreshing change.

    Thanks for your encouragement!

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