My day, including changing my template

Yep, I’ve been playing with templates again.  Those of you who have known me for a while known I like to play around with my template.  It’s like moving furniture around in your house, it’s always fun.  I think I like the way it looks, more ‘me’.  The other color just didn’t feel like me, this one does.  Plus my post area is bigger so I can have my pictures bigger.  Yeah, I like that.

Today has been a good day.  We hung out as a family all day, not doing a whole lot.  It seems like Paulie is catching Sarah’s cold.  It really started to hit him today, and tonight I almost thought he was going to go to bed early.  But he’s a trooper, Sarah and him are watching a movie right now, just relaxing.  We’ll see how he feels tomorrow, and thankfully, Sarah is over hers now.

I actually got quite a bit done today, which is surprising seeing how it’s our weekend.  But a lot of it was computer work, and hubby didn’t mind me getting it done.  I like checking things off my to-do list.  I still haven’t taken a picture for today, I’m going to try and find something when I’m done with this post.  There was a beautiful sunset, but it was a cloudy one.  Which normally is no big deal, except that I waited too long, and the clouds completely moved in and I lost the sunset.  I’m quite bummed about that, I will learn to move more quickly next time.  Maybe I’ll practice setting up a shot for tonight, we’ll see.

Oh, and I actually have my curriculum list done.  I was $50 over what I projected, but hubby said that was fine.  He says if we are going to go over on anything it should be for the children’s education.  I’m pretty happy with the list, and I think the kids will be too.  I need to go over it with Sarah a bit before I order anything.  We definitely tell her what core subjects she needs to do, but she’s at the age where she knows how she learns best, and I want to make sure what we picked out will work.  I am a bit bummed to find out Mystery of History III doesn’t have a complete audio CD.  They are working on it, and only have the beginning done.  The audio CD always made history a bit more fun for the kids.  Oh, well.  At least they will have some of it on audio.  I don’t know when I’ll be ordering though, it all depends on when the taxes come in.  Oh, and I’m still trying to find a good drawing/art program for Paulie (7th/8th grade).  Anyone have any suggestions?  I have a couple ideas, but I always like to hear about suggestions.

Well, I should go try to find something to take a picture of.  Oh, maybe the kids all curled up watching a movie.  I’m just not looking forward to ‘staging’ a shot.  I know I need to learn that, but as tired as I’m getting, I don’t know that now is the time to do it.  Here is a shot I took about 3 years ago.  He was just sitting there on the post, letting me take as many pictures as I wanted.

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