I would appreciate it if you would share this post:
Please tell me I’m not the only one who has to actually go to my blog, check the date and subject of my last post, BEFORE I start my current post. I just realized, as I did it again, that I always do this. I just thought it was kind of funny, and I’m really hoping I’m not the only one who does this. 🙂
Now that I’ve been on my antibiotic for 4 days, I’m starting to feel better. I’m not coughing as much, and the sinus pain is gone (thank you Lord). I wouldn’t say I’m 100% yet, but I do know I’m feeling better. I’m wondering if I’ve dealt with a low lying infection for a while now, maybe even since my sinus infection 3 months ago. I’m really hoping it gets kicked out of my body for good this time. I just need to make sure I’m drinking more water. I am drinking water, I just don’t think I’m drinking enough with this infection. I need to work on that.
I went to the dentist today, and they said my gums are doing so much better. Last year I was on the verge of having to go to a gum surgeon because I have gum disease. But I’ve tried very hard to make sure I’m brushing twice a day, flossing and I’ve been having cleanings every 3 months. I think that has helped, because my gums are doing better. I do have one area that was still sore and would bleed some times, but now that I’m on this antibiotic, it seems to have cleared up a bit. I don’t have to get another cleaning for 4 months, and then hopefully I’ll be back to a regular 6 month schedule. I’m so thankful to the Lord that my gums are healing, and I don’t have to go to a surgeon.
The Lord has been showing me how to better balance my days. There are so many things I want to do and need to do, but there are some days I just can’t do it all. I can usually get all my work around the house done, and get my part time job done too. But whether its crafts, blogging or photography, I just want to be able to spend hours on it when I start, but I can’t always do that. I’m learning how to pick up a craft, do a bit of work on it, and set it back down again. The same with blogging and photography. They are all things that I know are fine for me to do, it’s just realizing that I don’t need to have a 2 hour block of time to do them. When I do, that’s great, but when I don’t, I need to be ok with that too. I guess it comes down to using my time wisely, and knowing I can’t always have my cake and eat it too. 😉
Well, speaking of using my time wisely, hubby just texted me to let me know he’s on his way home, so I need to get off the laptop. But I can’t leave without sharing a photo. I haven’t used my camera too much lately, being sick and all, but we did finally get some snow today. I hope to take some photos tomorrow to share with you. But until then I’ll leave you with a picture of the yummy no bakes Sarah make for us the other day. The pile isn’t that big anymore. 😉
7 thoughts on “Am I the only blogger who does this?”
I’m glad you are starting to feel better. Hope you have a restful and peaceful week. Heather
I’m glad that you are feeling better. I am slowly recovering, but still congested. Your photo of goodies is making me hungry…hehe!
Hi, JoAnn!
No…you’re not the only one! I always go back and look at my blog to make sure I don’t say the same thing twice, or to see what I need to pick up on from last time. Perfectly sensible, wouldn’t you say?? 🙂
A trick that we got from our dentist for my husband and his gums is to put a couple of drops of GSE (grapefruit seed extract) on the toothbrush when you brush and floss. It’s highly antibacterial and has been VERY effective for him. Hope that helps!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment~you are a faithful fellow blogger-friend. 🙂
Glad you’re feeling better!
Glad you are doing better. Sinus infections are the worst! I am also happy to hear your gums are doing well, too. It’s been too long since we made no bakes!
Glad that you are starting to feel better. Sorry about the gum disease. I know how expensive dentist visits can be too–so every three months must be no fun.
I confess I don’t usually check date and topic of last blog entry–since they tend to be so far apart anyway…:)
I purposely have crafts that allow me to pick up and set down in small amounts of time. When I pick knitting projects I look for patterns that is okay to do this too. I am not in that time and stage in life that I can do detailed fancy lace work in my knitting. [o=
I am glad to hear your health is improving and pray it continues to totally heal.
Essie and Philip are shopping for my new camera in the big city. I hope to get it REAL soon. I can’t wait. So that means I need to get reading on photography tips. I haven’t had the time to do much reading on it…yet.
Blessings and ((HUGS))
Yum, those goodies look great! I’m glad you’re feeling better and that your gums have improved.
No, I don’t go back to check what I just wrote. But sometimes I cannot remember what I wrote last week. LOL Too much stuff going on.
I know what you mean about being busy and trying to manage your days. I hope it continues to work for you!
Annie Kate
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