A day at the fair

We have been wanting to go to our local state fair for years, but have just never had the time or money to go. This year, we had the finances set side and knew with Paul’s weekends being during the week we could go. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday is the cheapest days to go, we save $11 per person, so we knew we would be going one of those days. Then we found out friends of ours was going on Thursday, so we picked that day. The day itself was cloudy, but that was actually nice so we weren’t in the hot, blazing sun all day. We bought the wrist bands for unlimited rides, and brought some extra money for all the yummy food. I will admit that I was more of a wife and mom than a photographer that day. Yes, I brought my camera, and thankfully the friends we met, she’s my photographer buddy, so there are some pics of me too. But I didn’t take many pictures that day. I just wanted to enjoy a day with my family and not be behind the camera lens all day. But we did get some fun shots of us on the rides. 🙂

My friend got this shot, I thought it was great.

Bumper cars were one of our favorites.


I always like the big, high slides. 😀


This was the only ‘roller coaster’ type ride. It was pretty wild, because the car itself kept turning as it was moving around the tracks.

Yes, I got on the rides too. 😉

None of us wanted to go on the swings, but Paulie’s friend went on so he thought he would try. As you can tell he was pretty nervous when it started. We thought for sure he would never go on again. But before the ride was over he was chatting with his friend in another chair, and then preceded to go on this same ride about 4 more times! lol

Paul doesn’t like heights, so he didn’t go on any rides that were too high. But he really wanted to go on the Tilt-A-Whirl, and my friend caught this picture of us. We were spinning so fast that all we could do was laugh about it. This was our first time on it, and since hardly anyone was at the carnival yet, the carnie made the ride extra long, and spun us very fast, lots of time. It was a blast, and I love the shots she got of us.

This was the last ride I went on, and this is really when I realized I wasn’t 20 anymore. I’ve always loved carnivals and went on the scariest, highest, most spinning rides I could. But I knew when I got there I didn’t want to go on all those crazy rides. I found the ones I like and enjoyed them. I kept saying I would go on the ferris wheel and have a great time, because I’ve always liked the ferris wheel. Well, it went way higher than I remember (like I said, I’m not 20 anymore), and I only went on it once. When we were stuck at the top Paulie kept looking around checking out the sites. I was just holding on for dear life asking him to sit still. 😉 I’m glad I went on it though.

We had such a great time as a family. We listened to free concerts, looked at all the booths, bought some jewelry for me and a knife for Paul, ate way too much food and just enjoyed walking around for hours. 😀 We were there for about 8 hours, and would have stayed longer if we didn’t have work and school the next day. We already have plans for going next year, but this time it will be on our ‘Saturday’ so we don’t have to worry about how late we are there. We are thankful our friends were there, it really helped the kids try rides they might never have tried before. I’m so blessed we could make it and we made so many memories that will last a life time.

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6 thoughts on “A day at the fair”

  1. What a fun day! Everyone looks like they thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Our fair doesn’t have big rides (like your roller coaster). Your pictures are great and I can relate just wanting to participate and not be behind a camera all day. Hope your week is off to a great start. Heather

  2. Oh wow Fantastic. Love the pictures. Make me wish I was 20 again and there. Not sure I would do much at my age but the pictures show you all had a great time. Praise God you could all go. Love

  3. Glad you could have such fun with your family…and how nice to have the cloud cover (makes for better photos, too!).

    Have a blessed week!

  4. Looks like you had a wonderful time at the fair.

    I love going on rides, as long as they are not flipping me upside down and doing crazy maneuvers. At 43, I can’t take that kind of excitement anymore, ha, ha! The til-ta-whirl is favorite ride for me and my husband, He has ALOT of strength to turn that contraption around to make it go real fast. I like the swings too – very mild though you are up high. I’ve been on that roller coaster you went on in the photo. They had one of those hear. I didn’t find it very exciting though – just very bumpy.

    Anyway, great photos! 🙂

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