Birthdays and first day of school

Sarah’s birthday is usually always a day or so before we start the first day of school, and this year was no different.  We celebrated her birthday, which is the 12th, then we started school with Paulie the next day.

We are all Doctor Who fans and she just loved this shirt. I wish it wasn’t only in junior sizes, because I would get one for myself if I could. 🙂
Yummy cake.

So after a great day for Sarah, Paulie and I started a light school week.  Only 2 days and only part of his subjects.  It was nice to ease into it slowly.  But it was so very weird to take a picture of just one starting school.


We also celebrated my birthday early, on Sunday.  It’s not really until Wednesday the 20th, but the 17th was the only day we could all get together.  It was a great day and I was thoroughly blessed.  I’ll share pictures more later.

So have you started school yet?  Do you start a full schedule or work your way in slowly?  Please share about your first day/week.  🙂


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5 thoughts on “Birthdays and first day of school”

  1. Love the pictures. They are growing up to fast but wonderful Grandkids. You and Paul brought them up in the love of Jesus and I can see that. Love to everyone. Love

  2. Happy birthday! You’ll have a great year with your son, just you and he! It is a special time with our kids that remain in school with us, without their older siblings who’ve graduated. I have just one left, for just one semester (through December–graduating early). It is strange, but Thomas and I have grown in our relationship and it’s something so special. I know you’ll have cherished memories and a special time together!

  3. Wow, it’s hard to believe that both my Anna and your Sarah are no longer homeschooled, where has time been? Have fun with Paulie this year.

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