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Do any of you deal with camera shyness? Let me explain what I mean by camera shyness. I dream of having a DSLR some day. I see people at our local river and green belt with their DSLR’s taking pictures and I dream of being one of them. I have a point and shoot. It’s nice, and I can do some different things with it that regular point and shoots can’t do, but it’s not a DSLR.
Now I always think to myself, “I should go to the river for a bit to take photos.” Or maybe a drive in the mountains. But you know what stops me half the time? Camera shyness. I think, I have this dinky point and shoot, and I’m going to look ridiculous kneeling down, or standing a certain way to get the shot I want. When I see people with DSLR’s doing that, I think ‘of course’. Because that’s why you have a DSLR, to shoot wonderful pictures. But most people with a point and shoot don’t go out on photo shoots like I want to do. They just take pictures of daily things, outings, family get togethers, things like that. And I feel so odd wanting to do more with mine.
I know, I shouldn’t care what people think of me. And I know I really shouldn’t let it stop me, but at times it does. I am trying to get past it. I don’t know when I will get my DSLR camera, it could still be another year away. So am I really going to let what I ‘think’ people are thinking of me stop me? I don’t want to, and I’m going to really work on not letting that stop me. I’m going to try and get to the river more, and up in the mountains more and take the shots I want. I know I won’t be able to get all the shots I want, not without a DSLR. And I know some people may look strange at me, but oh well. It’s the camera I’ve got and I want to use it. I want to work on my photo taking skills, and I want to enjoy what I have.
I guess I wrote this just to get it off my chest. But I am wondering if anyone else has dealt with what I call ‘camera shyness’? I would love to hear from you if you have, just to know I’m not alone. 🙂
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