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That’s where I have felt that I’ve been lately, to far off lands. Of course I’ve never left Idaho, it’s only in my imagination. As I said before I like to read a lot in the summer. With no lessons to work through and such, I have much more time to read. I picked up some books from the library, but they were from the Left Behind series, and I found as I started reading them, I really wasn’t in the mood for that kind of story line. I wanted romance (the good kind), far off places, and words written that I hardly ever hear anymore. So I started back up with the Anne of Green Gables series that a dear friend of mine gave me. I had read through book 3 when I got them, and then stopped for some reason (probably school or something). So I picked up book 4 a week or so ago, and couldn’t put it down. I’m now going to start book 5. I really like the way the books are written, and I’m thinking of trying to find some more of L.M. Montgomery’s books when I’m done with this series. The way she writes, and the way Anne thinks and talks is so refreshing. And I don’t know if it’s the books or not, but when I was driving home this afternoon from a quick errand, I noticed how many green trees there were around town, and how many different colors the mountains looked. Never noticed it before. Maybe from all the descriptions in the Anne books, it’s got me looking around more at the beauty the Lord has made. And dreaming about far off lands.