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Dad had the last tube taken out yesterday, and it all went great. The doctor says everything is healing just fine. They are staying at a hotel for a couple of days before going home, just to make sure all is ok. So today they decided to come up to our town for lunch which meant I got to see my parents today, and I was so blessed by that. Unfortunately hubby had to work, so he missed seeing them. But the kids and I met them at a Chinese Buffet restaurant and had a great time there. Dad is looking and doing great. I usually don’t eat Chinese food, and I didn’t think there would be a thing Paulie would eat, but I was wrong. They actually had some nuggets & fries there (which believe me when I was a kid Chinese restaurants never had yummy food like that), and lots of other yummy stuff. We came home right after that and are now curled up on the couch watching a movie. It’s nice that we are done with everything, and can relax at home. But I’m really liking these impromptu family lunches.
Today and tomorrow should be pretty mellow for us. Nothing really planned, all cooking & baking are done for now, so that’s nice. I don’t really have to cook & bake again until Christmas Eve day. I need to make pumpkin pie, apple crisp, and an egg souffle on Christmas Eve for Christmas day. Then start the ham we are having for Christmas Eve dinner. Thankfully our friends are bringing side dishes, so I mainly just have to put the ham in the oven in the afternoon. I’ll be making a ham & cheesy potato dish in the crock pot for Christmas day, using the ham from Christmas eve. We’re going to have an egg casserole for breakfast on Christmas morning. Actually we’ll probably just munch on things most of the day, we enjoy our holidays that way.
Last night we went out and looked at Christmas lights. There is one house that has synchronized music & lights. They have parking across the street and it runs from 5:30pm to 10:00pm. It’s actually about 25 minutes long and runs in a loop all night. We actually got a parking spot right in front, which is not always that easy. We had such a blast watching the show. Then we drove around some and looked at some other houses. It was such a fun time.
Well I really should start working on the baby blanket I’m making. Yes, I will put a picture out when I am done, or at least half way. Right now I only have a few rows done, so you really can’t see much of it. But I’m hoping to get farther today and tomorrow.
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