It’s a busy time

Do you have a crazy Christmas schedule this year? I usually don’t, and I try very hard to make sure I don’t. But some how this year I feel very rushed. I think it’s now having a teenager that has more parties to go to than I do.  But Paul also has a work party this year, and I’m going to my first ever Christmas cookie exchange. Yes, it’s true, I’ve never been to a cookie exchange before. And I’m bummed, because I over cooked some of my cookies.  Which are the ones I will leave home with the family, but I’m bummed I have to leave the ‘bad’ ones. But the craziest thing I noticed was this. We have school through the 17th, we took next Friday off (it’s one of our busiest days). So we’ve had parties, cookie exchanges to go to, besides normal get togethers and such to go to. After the 19th, when we are on vacation, and I could do lots of things, I have absolutely nothing scheduled.  All the parties will be done, no friends to visit, no cookie exchanges to go to, nothing. I simply can’t believe everything got crammed into the first two weeks of December, and nothing after that. But I guess that means I can relax, bake some more for my family without feeling rushed and burning cookies, and work on some fun crafts.

We have been pretty cold out lately, waking up to negative temperatures. What’s really weird is that I’ve been out in it for a couple of nights this week, and it wasn’t horrible. Actually, it didn’t feel that cold, maybe I’m just too numb from the cold to feel it.  We did have some snow too, but not too much. But I guess our temperatures are suppose to heat up (into the 30’s) but then the snow comes. If it’s sunny and clear, like its been, there are no clouds to keep the heat in, and it’s beautiful out, but cold. But if the clouds comes in, it warms up, but snows. But at least it’s warmer, and we can play in the snow.  Here are the kids shoveling, and proof of our cold temps.

Well I should get going. Tonight is one of Sarah’s Christmas parties we have to get her too. Plus, I really want to just relax and spend time with hubby while she is gone and Paulie is playing. Plus tomorrow we have a prayer meeting and a cookie exchange, besides church. Then baking two apple crisps Sunday for a party Sunday night and a different party Monday night.  Yep, even though it’s a lot to do, I do like a good party.


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