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I thought I would go into some more detail of our weekend at my parents house. For those of you who don’t know, my parents live about 1 1/2 hours from us, and they are at higher altitude than us, so I always say they live in the mountains. It’s beautiful up there, and it’s where we lived for 4 years when we first moved to Idaho. It’s a small town, and it’s nice now that we have a place to go when we feel like getting away for the weekend.
And that’s exactly what we did last weekend. We hadn’t been to my parents house since last fall. When the weather hits here, it closes the roads to their town. So during the winter, we don’t make it out there much. And we especially don’t spend the night out there during the winter months, don’t want to get stranded.
We planned this about 3 weeks ago, and the kids were so excited we decided to spend the night there. At first, we were just going to make a day trip out of it, but then decided to spend the night. We usually head out dinner time Friday night, after Paul gets home, spend Friday night and Saturday night out there, coming home on Sunday. This time though, Paul got Friday off, so we got out there right after lunch. We had a whole extra day out there, and it was fun. Besides spending time with my parents, we had time with my sister, niece and nephew. Paul and the kids got to do some shooting, Sarah and I got our hair cut at our old hair dresser, and we spent time at the local reservoir. We did lots of cooking and baking, and just having a great time. It was very relaxing, fun and just what we needed.
We have plans to go next weekend too, for Easter. Paul has that Friday off also, so we’ll be able to get out there early again. This time though, we won’t be doing as much. We are going to be cooking and baking, but not as much running around. This time it will be even more relaxing.
We’ve also decided to take our spring break next week. We were originally going to take it the week of April 5th. But Sarah is taking her yearly school tests the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week. So we had to change weeks. The kids and I talked about it, and we decided this coming week was a good choice. It’s also when the schools around here are taking their break, so it seemed like a good time. Plus it will be nice not having to try and squeeze school in with our next mini-vacation next week. And I think we all need the rest. At least I know I do.Save