Mother’s Day and other things.

What a great weekend we’ve had the past two days.  Paul had to work on Sunday, Mother’s day.  So we did the main celebrating on Monday.  But on Sunday my kids did give me some pretty gifts.  Some flowers and a coffee mug my daughter decorated.  Plus they gave me two very sweet cards they made, and they made me cry.  Here are two quotes from the cards: “We can’t imagine having another wonderful, loving, mother and teacher!”  That one just touched my heart, and the tears started coming.  This one brought a huge smile to my face: “You are so cool!”  Who would have known, my kids think I’m cool.  I don’t know why, but that means a lot to me.

Then I had a horrible night of sleep on Sunday night, and only slept about 4 hours.  I knew we wanted to make the hour drive to a new restaurant in a neighboring town.  I really wasn’t sure I would be able to make it, but Tuesday’s weather was suppose to be rainy and yucky.  That would not be good weather to drive in.  I’m thankful to say, that we made it on Monday, and I was fine.  The Lord strengthened me, and it was a blast.  Plus we had beautiful weather, and missed the rain that was coming in that night.  Thank you Lord for Your strength, and giving me such a blessed family.  The restaurant was new to us, but so very yummy.  Quaint, homey Italian place.  We will definitely go back again.

Monday night we also had a homeschool group meeting.  I was so tired, but we really wanted and needed the fellowship, so we went.  I’m so glad we did.  The Lord used a lady there to encourage me with my new schedule for next fall.  It was so great talking to her.  Plus I got a few books for free that we can use in our homeschool room.  It was truly a fun evening.

Tuesday we picked up some food and just relaxed at home, watching movies together and playing monopoly (and no I didn’t win, Sarah did).  We were blessed with two days off in a row, and took full advantage of it.

And now it’s Wednesday, the start of our last school ‘week’.  Actually it’s less than a week.  Saturday is our last official day of school!!!  Believe me, we are all doing the happy dance right now.  I’m so blessed that we already know what curriculum we are doing next year, and even though Sarah is starting high school, I don’t feel too nervous.  I used 8th grade as my ‘fumble and stumble’ year, and feel quite confident with my record keeping and transcripts.  I’m sure I will still make mistakes, but I feel way more comfortable than I did at the beginning of the year.  I’m also excited that we have figured out what our school schedule will be in the fall.  It truly is a load off my mind to know how we will work it all with the new schedule.  I have to put the kids portfolio’s together, probably tomorrow.  Then look at the amount of lessons each subject has for next year, so I know how to schedule them.  Then I’m done.  Not sure I’ll get all that done this week, but I’m going to try.

I am also the new Box Tops for Education coordinator for our homeschool group.  I’m actually excited about this.  I just signed up for it, and I’m getting the ball rolling.  Right now will be the busiest time, as I have a back load of box tops to count out and sort.  But once that is over, it should be quite simple.  Also we have our homeschool groups graduation coming up in the beginning of June, and VBS work will start shortly after that.  I’m looking forward to all those things.

I still haven’t figured out how I want to organize photos on my computer.  I’m really bummed about this, but realized one of my problems is the fact that I sometimes download photos on my desktop, and sometimes on my laptop.  So I guess I just need to come up with one way to organize them, and do the same kind of organizing on both computers.  And I haven’t taken any new photos lately.  Just haven’t been out much with the bad weather, and not a whole lot of pictures to take in the house.  But I’m itching to take some more, I’m sure I will in the next few days.  But until then, I’ll leave you with some from our 4th of July last year.  I wish it was that warm again.


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