I would appreciate it if you would share this post:
We have an area in our back yard that has been just beautiful with fall colors. I can see it from my bedroom window, and look at it every day. And every day I say to myself, “I need to get out there a take some pictures.” And every day goes by with no pictures. Well, today our first mountain snow storm is hitting, we are getting rain. And I knew more leaves would drop, they would be wet and soggy and I was going to loose my photo if I didn’t get out there this morning. It was cloudy, but actually the experts say overcast skies are better to shoot in than bright sunshine. I’m not sure about that, but I am glad I got out there this morning and took my photos. I think they turned out ok, but for some reason they look a bit blurry. Maybe I was moving more than I realized. I tried to make sure I was still, but you know how that goes. And among my many dreams, like getting a DSLR camera, I would like to get a tripod.

It’s funny I really enjoy taking pictures but yet I always find reasons not to. But, when I am taking pictures I really enjoy it. Like this morning, I just wanted to keep shooting pictures. I really need to push past my “I’m too busy” mentality and just get out and enjoy myself. It was so relaxing for me and fun. I remember reading a blog once that posed the thought, what is it that you create that you really enjoy and relax with and you’re just in your ‘zone’? At the time I really didn’t understand what she meant, what she was asking. But I realized this morning, it’s taking photos. I really enjoy it and nothing seems to be ‘pressing’ on me. I’m just in the moment, enjoying the scenery, trying to find to perfect shot. I’m going to try and post photos more often, and though I’ve been invited to join a daily photography project, I don’t know that I will join that yet. I need to get into a routine of adding photos, and I don’t want to be stressed thinking I ‘have’ to do it. I just want to really start enjoying and working on my photo taking, and share it with you when I can. My biggest thing I need to learn right now, is why my pictures are not real clear. Its been happening a lot lately, and I’m not sure what setting or something I might have wrong. Guess I’ll need to work on that. 🙂