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Outside my window…Sunny, blue skies and around 50, which for February is extremely odd for Idaho. Everyone around here keeps saying how happy they are that spring has come early. I just chuckle. Early? Really? And these are from people who have lived in Idaho their whole lives. I’ve only lived here 11 years, but even I am not fooled. We will get dumped on with lots of snow and cold weather before spring fully arrives. 😀
I am thinking…About what a great teaching from our pastor on Sunday. It was such an encouraging message, and one I really needed to hear. I’m so blessed we made it to church.
I am thankful…For my husband. So many reasons why, to many to list.
In the kitchen…Not a whole lot lately. The kids have been cooking more, they made pasta bake the other day. I do have a menu planned out though, and I need to use it more. I hope to this week.
I am wearing…Jeans, a purple shirt and a white, crocheted skinny scarf.
I am creating…I’m in the middle of a cross stitch project, but I think I’m going to start a crochet project this week. I miss crocheting.
I am wondering…If I’ll ever get the desire back to be in the kitchen. It is truly gone from me. I could not be in the kitchen for weeks, and it wouldn’t bother me. That really needs to change.
I am reading…Always go to my Goodreads account to know exactly what I’m reading. But today I just finished a series by MaryLu Tyndall, Escape to Paradise. It was a pretty good series. I’m also in the middle of listening to Full Disclosure by Dee Henderson and I started another book last week, A Bargain for a Bride. Not sure if I’ll stick with that one or not.
I am hoping…This weather to continue, but I’m not counting on it. lol
I am looking forward to…Dinner with friends on Thursday night. They are good friends of ours, and we missed Super Bowl with them because Paul worked. It will be nice to get together for a relaxing evening.
I am learning…I want to learn a new craft, or pick up a newly learned on again. I’m thinking either Tunisian crochet or Continental knitting.
Around the house…We had to have our landlord install a new bathtub, ours was leaking. The tub is installed, but not finished. Hopefully that will happen this week.
I am pondering…Hmmm, so many things. It’s probably not the best to list them all here. 😉
A favorite quote for today…Life is not always fair, but God is always good.
One of my favorite things…Going out to the coffee shop with my hubby. Actually, going anywhere with my hubby. I love going out with him.
A few plans for the rest of the week…Thursday we are going to a friends house for dinner. Plus my weekly Friday morning coffee, and craft time this coming Saturday.
A peek into my day…Lovely roses my husband bought me for Valentine’s day.

4 thoughts on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 2/15”
good sharing. I was thinking of doing another tunisian scarf or even a loom scarf. I’ve got to get back into the crafts like I use to. I finally have the center set up to where I can be home almost all week. And most times lately I’m wasting the time just wondering what to work on. hahahaha but I’ll get going in the right direction. Love reading your blogs. Hope to see you Saturday. Love
Such a pretty rose. Sounds like you are right about spring being early. We are having below normal temperatures.
As you probably noticed, your post inspired me to do one of my own. You do beautiful crafts and I envy your talents. I envy your weather as well. I appreciate your comments on my blog. You are my most faithful blog friend!
Nice daybook entry. I need to do one soon too.
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