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Outside my window…Blue skies with puffy white clouds, but lots of wind and only in the 40’s. Wind and 40’s means it probably feels in the 30’s. But I am enjoying the sun, and if the wind dies down at all, then I’ll go for a walk.
I am thinking…Of what I want to accomplish today on my day off. I’m seeing lots of crafts and audio books today. 🙂
I am thankful…That my daughter Sarah finally has found a good, full time job and is really enjoying it. She’s been there just over 1 1/2 weeks, and so far it’s looking real good. This is her first full week, and she’s doing great. She works from 8 – 4 Fridays – Tuesdays. Odd schedule, but at least she’s blessed with the same schedule every week. And she’s getting used to getting up early. I’m so proud of her.
In the kitchen…Baked pasta, chicken casserole, and hopefully today potato ham soup and homemade bread.
I am wearing…Blue jeans, white t-shirt with a blue short sleeved shirt over it. Though I am thinking of putting on a long sleeve shirt. It’s cool inside with that wind.
I am creating…More time in my schedule for the things the Lord has for me and trying not to be so busy. It’s not a good thing to say I’m so busy all the time. Some people look at saying that as a good thing, I do not. But I am feeling busy way too often. That is going to stop.
I am going…To go out with hubby this evening on a date. Probably for a cup of hot chocolate at a local restaurant and just enjoy time together. I love dating my husband. 🙂
I am wondering…If the wind will stop today. I’m hoping it does, I really don’t like it so windy. Plus, as I’m typing this I’m seeing our outdoor thermometer swinging in the wind and I need to go bring that inside. We’ve lost quite a few thermometers to the wind around here.
I am reading…I just finished The Witness by Dee Henderson and I’m going to start either Before I Wake or Unspoken by her later tonight. I’m also still listening to Expect the Sunrise by Susan May Warren.
I am looking forward to…Spring break this week! Paulie finished his lessons on Friday and we are officially on spring break. He likes to take it on his birthday week, and his 18th birthday is this Tuesday. It’s always nice to have a break from grading, grade books and giving tests. 🙂
Around the house…Complete quiet. Paul and Sarah are at work and Paulie, being a teenager and one spring break, is still sleeping. The only thing I hear is the wind outside and the keys on my laptop clicking as I’m typing this.
A few plans for the rest of the week…Celebrate Paulie’s birthday this Wednesday. His birthday is on Tuesday, but Wednesday is the only day both Paul and Sarah have off. I still need to wrap his gifts, but other than that day, I plan to have a relaxing week. I still have to work, but only minimally and I’m going to have that non-busy time in my days. 🙂
A peek into my day…It was a beautiful day the other day, so Paul went out to take some photos. No we don’t own a cat, this is the neighbors cat, but he/she is always in our yard. But we don’t mind. We are surrounded by cats in this neighborhood, but it’s nice since we live right next to a field. All the cats definitely keep the mouse population down. lol

2 thoughts on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 4/12”
I know the feeling of being to busy. On Friday I have three things going on in the afternoon and then Saturday a couple of things at the same time. So I know the feeling. I’m like you want to have productive days but not overly busy with no breaks. Enjoy your date with Paul. Love
Your meals sound yummy! And I seem to be behind on reading blog posts again.
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