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Outside my window…It’s getting dark out, as I’m writing this in the evening. I tried writing it earlier, but our internet went down today. But it’s a lovely evening, and I spent some of it outside reading. The wind has finally died down, which is very nice.
I’m thinking…How much I miss my Auntie Dee. She was one of my dad’s sisters and she passed away on Friday. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of years, but I’m so thankful for the time we did have back then. And I love this picture of her.

I am thankful…For so many things, but especially this week I’m thankful for 2 vehicles and great neighbors. Paul and I were out running some errands on Friday in his truck, and our last stop was the gas station down the road from us. Once we realized the pump’s credit card machine was out of order, he went to start the truck back up again and it wouldn’t start. We’ve had battery problems with this truck for a while, and usually we work through it, but not this time. I walked home to get our Jeep while he kept working on the truck. Thankfully it’s a walk we do a lot, not that far from home. But even after trying to jump it with the Jeep, nothing. So we drove home, but knew we didn’t want to pay for a tow truck on the day before the 4th. Paul went to talk to our neighbor and he gladly helped Paul tow the truck home. I’m so blessed we got it home so quickly and easily.
In the kitchen…Not a whole lot. We grilled the other night, and grilled extras so that fed us for a few days. But other than that, chicken pasta salad, potato ham bake, banana bread.
I am wearing…Pink cotton capri’s and a grey t-shirt.
I am going…To see my dad’s next cataract surgery on Tuesday. He had one eye done last Tuesday, and my mom, sister and I got to watch it on a video feed. It was quite interesting to watch the surgery and how they remove cataracts. He gets the other eye done this Tuesday. We’ll be there watching again. 🙂
I am reading…I finished 2 great books this weekend, Strand of Deception by Robin Caroll and All Our Tomorrows by Irene Hannon. I just started a novella tonight, Sky’s Fireworks by Cynthia Bruner. I’m not much on novella’s but this one sounded good and it was free. lol
I am hoping…That the truck starts Monday morning so we don’t have to get a tow truck to get it to the mechanic’s. But blessed if we do, it won’t be holiday prices. 🙂
I am looking forward to…See my family again this week.
Around the house…Hubby is playing video games, Paulie is on his laptop and I’m typing this post. But as soon as I’m done with the post, I’m going to read. 🙂
A few plans for the rest of the week…Get the truck to the mechanic, VBS meeting, dad’s cataract surgery, a day out with some girl friends, friends over for dinner and hopefully picking up a fixed truck sometime too. lol
A peek into my day…We had a very mellow, stay at home 4th of July. We bought some very simple fireworks and had fun setting them off. On the 3rd we sat in our driveway and watched the fireworks from the next neighborhood, which were great.

1 thought on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 7/5”
good write up. Dad and I went to carries for a short time on the 4th. Dan’s end fireworks were the best he ever did. We will see you Tuesday. The other eye is still doing good from the surgery. Hope you get the truck fix without to many problems. Love
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