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It’s been a busy first days of 2015 and it’s already going by too fast. 🙂
I would like to say that I’ve been busy crafting, reading and fun things like that but what’s kept me the busiest is my job. But that is a good thing for me because we’ve opened up a new site and now I have my own cottage shop to sell my crafts. Now that the site is up and running, the rest of my month will slow down with work, which means more time to create crafts to go in my store. 😀
I’ve also been playing with my new toy too, and enjoying it so much. I like it better than my other tablet. It works just better and it’s fast. I can do much more with it than I could with my old tablet. But don’t worry, my old tablet is still getting used. My old tablet is now Paul’s tablet, and he loves it. He doesn’t have nearly as much stuff on there as I did, so it’s running much better for him.

I also had a great time with my mom last week. She came out and we ran around to some stores, went out to lunch and just had a great time. Her and my sister will be setting up their own shops soon, so we’ve all been busy thinking of different things to make and put in our stores. As mom and I were out we came across a new craft, well new to me. It’s weaving, which I know isn’t new, but this way of weaving I’ve never seen before.
I haven’t used it yet, but it looks like fun. I hope to start a new belt, or something similar, this week. I always like trying something new.
The other fun thing I’m doing is going out for coffee, well hot chocolate for me, on Friday mornings with a group of ladies from church. It’s a way to get to know others, and all it is sitting around at our local Christian coffee shop, and chatting for a couple of hours. It’s earlier than I’m used to getting up and out of the house, but I’m loving it. I’m making new friends, and even got to help a new friend and an old friend this week with technical issues they were having. I just love the fellowship of it all.
Plus, Paul and I might start going to a couples bible study on Thursday nights, whenever he’s not working. We are trying very hard this year to step up and go to things whenever we can, even if we can’t commit to them with his crazy, ever changing schedule. I pray the Lord helps us keep up with it.
So that’s the beginning of my 2015, what about you? How is your year starting out?
3 thoughts on “The beginning of 2015”
Like you said getting ready to open my store and getting the Senior Center set so I don’t have to go in each day. That is coming together. I am also planning on getting my rooms back together and organized so I can do my crafts and join Online Classes to study the Bible from SBN Christian station. I’m also sending away for a Learn to Play Piano, especially chords, so I can sit and enjoy that once in a while. So like you my 2015 is coming together and should be fun most of the time. Love
Those are wonderful things to keep busy with! I will have to go over and check out your store. Congratulations.
Wow! I’m going over to look at your store. Congratulations! That is so exciting!
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