Things I should be doing. :)

I haven’t been working on my cross stitch projects like I should be.  I’ve actually been doing some website design and template work.  Once I get started working on coding and web design work, I get hooked.  I have a hard time working on it for just an hour or two, and then doing something else.  But I really need to learn how to do that.  That way I can get more than just web design work done.  And truthfully, this time of year, I really need to focus more on my crafts more than web design.

The family is making our Christmas cards this year instead of just me doing it.  I have a lot on my plate with the projects, so hubby stepped up and said he and the kids would do them this year.  They already have an idea of what to write on it, now they just need to get a layout for them, and get working on them.  Can you see that I still want to control it all?  😀  We also have to pick out our family and the kids yearly photos.  We already had them done, and they turned out great.  We just need to pick the ones we want and get them printed.  Maybe we’ll work on it tomorrow.

It is definitely fall around here, and I have decorated and we’ve been running our heater.  But today was a type of Indian summer, I guess.  The temps got as high as 60, and the kids and I went for a bike ride this evening.  😯  Maybe not exactly summer, but it was pretty nice.  It’s suppose to be just as nice tomorrow.  And with hubby having the day off tomorrow, I’m sure we’ll all spend some time outside.

I need to start taking more pictures of things in the house.  I love to share photos, and I tend to take more outdoor type photos.  Except for today, this past week the weather hasn’t been real good.  But I still want to share photos, so I need to start taking photos around the house.  I have other friends who do that, showing the crafts they are working on, or a decoration or something like that.  I think I need to start doing that.  Because I miss taking photos when it’s wet and windy out.  I would take one of the cross-stitch projects I’m working on, but can’t since they are a surprise.  So I’ll have to think of something else.  This is a shawl I started last year.  I’m almost done with it now, and I’ll post an updated photo when it’s done.  Hope you have a great night.


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