This, that and other things

I never thought having my 14 year old daughter go to a weekly teen girls bible study would keep me so busy.  Driving her every week is starting to tire me out.  Well, the fact that its on one of the busiest days of the week for me, Mondays, and the very next day is park day, just makes for a busy beginning of the week. But I am so blessed that she is going, and enjoying herself so much. There’s only three girls that go, but we pray that in the future more will start joining. She’s having a great time.

Paul pulled is back last week and had to take two days off of work. He’s doing much better now, but it took a lot longer for his back to get better this time. He really didn’t like having to take two days off, but being his job is so physical, there really wasn’t any choice. With no insurance, we couldn’t afford to allow it to get worse. Thankfully, we didn’t have to go to the doctor, the Lord, rest and not moving around too much did it.

I’ve been busy with Christmas crafts I’m trying to finish up. I’m over half way done, and I think I’ll finish them all by the end of October, beginning of November. I’ve never been this far ahead with Christmas crafts, and I’m pretty excited about it.

My neck and shoulder has been hurting me the past few weeks. It’s the same issue I’ve had for years, that I went to physical therapy for a couple of years ago. The doctor warned me then that I had to be careful of my computer use, and I’ve gone way overboard on the computer the past few weeks. Truthfully, what started it was being on Facebook playing some of the games like Farmville & Cafe World. The mini, continuous movements it took to play the games are the exact movements that aggravate my shoulder. Plus, truthfully, I think the Lord was wanting me to get off them anyway. They were taking up way too much of my time. So today I stopped playing them, shut down the games. I’ve been on the computer today, but since I haven’t been playing those games, even though I’ve been using the computer, my shoulder isn’t feeling nearly as bad. Just confirmation that I’m not suppose to be playing those games.

School is going well. We seem to be flowing nicely with it, and I’m truly blessed by that. Paulie’s math has been making him really have to work, and I am happy to see how he’s growing in his knowledge of his math and reading. Sarah is doing so well with her work, and learning good time management. Plus she’s got a weekly group babysitting job until December that she’s really enjoying. Her and her friend are babysitting a group of kids while their parents go to a weekly DVD study. She’s doing well with the kids, plus making some extra money, she likes that.

Well, I guess that’s about it. It’s about time that I have to head out and pick Sarah up from her bible study. Wanted to get an entry out though, I know it’s been a while. Thanks for not giving up on reading my blog, even with such long times between entries. Maybe now that I’ve broken away from those games I’ll have more time to blog.


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