I would appreciate it if you would share this post:
My dad had been dealing with some physical issues lately and though they were a bit scary, thankfully the only thing that is wrong is he is anemic. He’s been on iron pills and is doing so much better. But when one of your parents aren’t feeling well, even though you know they are doing better, sometimes you just have to go out and see them. That’s how it was with me. So last week we went out and visited my parents and we had one of the best visits we’ve had in a long time.
Dad is doing and looks great. Mom and I had some fun with crafts. Though I guess some of it could have been called frustration with crafts, huh mom? 😀 lol We had a great dinner that my sister showed up for too. But most of all, we just hung out with my parents and enjoyed each others company. That’s what we all like to do the most when we are out there. Just enjoy our time together and not always ‘do’ anything
Here are some fun photos of the weekend.

5 thoughts on “Visiting my parents”
Oh wow love the pictures. All good ones for sure. It was a great visit except, yes, for frustration big time. Didn’t bring out the best in me, but we got through it and it didn’t hurt the time together. Your picture with your Dad is the best All the picture were terrific. Thanks for sharing. Love
Family visits are great.
Wow, the views are spectacular. We drive 3 hours to see Jeff’s mom, which makes for a long day, but family is so worth it. We will never regret those trips, just the time in between.
What wonderful pictures JoAnn. I loved seeing them. I haven’t seen my sister for a while and she looks great! Your father looks good too and I am glad that he is enjoying his cabin and feeling so much better. You all look good. I’m glad you had such a great time.
Wow! What an awesome view!
Enjoy your parents! They are a good looking couple, and all too soon, it seems, we lose them. Can’t believe we are coming up on two years since my Mom went home to be with the Lord.
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