
Where does the time go?

I honestly can’t believe my last post was in February!  Thank you to those of you who contacted me letting me know I was missed and checking that I was ok.  It’s nice to know people care.  🙂

I have been good, but have also been dealing with some medical issues plus some serious life changes going on.  Where to start?

Sarah has been talking about moving out with her friend Jess for a long time, but in late March early April, they decided to really start looking.  By the end of April they found a place and was moving out, all in less than a week!  😕 We knew it was coming, and we are so very happy for her, but when it happens that quickly, they found the place on a Thursday and was living there by the Sunday, it just seems quick.  The last night Sarah was home we cried a lot, and neither of us slept well.  The move went pretty smooth, except for the part that Paul’s truck broke down and wasn’t usable for a week!

It’s taken us a bit of time to get used to things, but now, 2 months later, we are all quite accustomed to it.  We do see her about once a week, usually her coming over to do laundry.   🙂  But we try very hard not to bother her every day.  She will be 21 next month, and it’s time she is on her own.  She doesn’t need mom and dad hovering, though you know we want to.  lol

She has a roommate, Jess, who is a good friend of hers and a friend of the family.  They both came over for 4th of July and we had a great time.


Then it seemed like the next day, though it was at the end of May, that Paulie was graduating high school.  We put together a graduation ceremony at our house with a party at the end of May.  The party went great though it was very windy, so the ceremony had to be moved inside.  We had more friends and family show up than we expected, but we fit them all in.party

It is so hard to believe that Paulie is graduated and our homeschooling journey is finished!  We are so proud of him and so thankful we could homeschool our children all the way to graduation.  We had our ups and downs, but we know it was the right thing to do and we have always been so blessed to have the support of our family and friends.



So that has been our lives for the past few months.  Like I said, I did have some medical issues that are affecting my summer, but I’ll talk about that in another post.

Thank you all for sticking with me during my unplanned blog break, I hope to not have any more breaks any time soon.  🙂


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2 thoughts on “Where does the time go?”

  1. Oh how I can relate to all of this! The roller coaster of emotions and the missing the kids and more. We married child number three this summer and the baby of the family will be 20 in a month. She is still at home but close to spreading her wings.
    I have not kept the blog up at all. I look at it and just move on! However I may start a new one for my creations and living life without homeschool and kids at home.

  2. Congratulations on finishing the journey of homeschooling! You surely have had a lot of changes happen lately. I’m sorry to hear of health issues. It’s an area that I can relate. I will be praying for strength and endurance.

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