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It’s been a busy week, but a good week. Paul and I went to the first part of a two part photography class on Monday evening. It was a blast. We really learned a lot, and some things I had learned previously were reinforced. We have the next one tomorrow night, but unfortunately Paul probably won’t make it, he’ll be working. But the main focus of the next class is composition, and Paul is much better at that than I am, so it’s probably ok that he misses it. 🙂 Here are some of the photos I shot this week, putting in practice a little of what I learned.
Still trying to get the hang of aperture and getting what I want in focus.
I know I took one of these before, but I like the shot for some reason.
Really wish this statue wasn’t in downtown, don’t like all the cars around it.
6 thoughts on “52 Weeks of Photo Fun – Week 30”
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