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Today I actually had a chance to do my first bit of cookie baking for Christmas. I know Sarah will be doing a lot of the baking too, but she was busy with lessons, and I really wanted to make some. I had bought some Hersey kisses and small Resses peanut butter cups a couple of weeks ago to make peanut butter blossoms. But last month a friend of mine used peanut butter cups instead of kisses for the blossoms, and I’ve been wanting to try it. And today was the day. I didn’t get started as early as I wanted to with baking, but I finally got around to baking this afternoon. While I was baking I was listening to Christmas music, Trans-Siberian Orchestra. I really enjoy that music and we bought their DVD, The Ghosts of Christmas Eve, the other night. More on that later. First my baking.
Here’s the beginning of the baking process. Peanut butter cookies getting ready to be put in the oven, and more dough waiting to be made.
Do you think I stocked up on enough candy? 🙂 Actually, I will probably need to get more peanut butter cups eventually.
Getting the chocolates ready.
Yep, I really enjoyed myself today.
Yes, they tasted as yummy as they look.
I made a double batch, do you think it’s enough?
Did you notice the spot in the upper right hand corner, two cookies are already missing? Sarah and I had to taste test them. And look at my window, yep that’s snow. Our pile of shoveled snow is getting pretty high.
Like I said, during my time of baking I was listening to Trans-Siberian Orchestra, and we bought one of their DVD’s that we watched the other night.
This particular music DVD is about a girl who has run away and wants to go home, but doesn’t have the courage to ask. I won’t go into the whole DVD, but during the DVD Sarah asked Paul and I if we had ever run away. We both said no, since we hadn’t, but I did tell her about how my late brother had run away. But I felt immediately that I wasn’t being quite truthful. True, I had never physically ran away from my family or home, but I had run away from my spiritual life and family. When I was in my mid to late teens and early 20’s, I did run away, I ran away from everything I knew to be true about the Lord. I ran away from the Lord. And I felt just like the girl portrayed in the DVD, and truthfully seeing her run home and hearing the song “That Christmas Day”, makes me cry. Because there were so many times I wanted to run ‘home’. I wanted things back to the way they were. I didn’t want to be ‘worldly’, I didn’t want to be doing what I was doing, but somehow going back ‘home’ just didn’t seem possible.
I was never physically alone, and my family loved me through all I went through. But I knew that regardless of all that, I still was a run away, and I was living a life that wasn’t pleasing to the Lord. I felt lost so many times, and yet didn’t really know where to turn. It seems so strange now to think about it now, but truly I didn’t know where to turn at times. I was so deep in so many things, and felt so far away from the Lord I didn’t know how to start my journey back to Him. I’m so blessed to know that I still had family praying for me during this time, and of course I know now that the Lord was always there waiting for me. Obviously I did find my way back home, and I’m so thankful that I did. But when I think of that DVD and song, it just makes me cry. Because I remember the time I was away from ‘home’.
It’s so hard to explain all my feelings and thoughts of my time away from the Lord. But it’s on my heart a lot this season, maybe it’s the DVD, maybe it’s seeing my daughter at the age I was when I ran away. Whatever the reason, as sad as the memories are, there is a blessing in seeing what the Lord has brought me through. I am so thankful for that.
Well, hubby is going to be home soon, and we are watching The Santa Clause 2 tonight (we watched the first one last night). We are spending lots of nights together watching Christmas movies. It’s been a blast. Hope you are all having a great night.
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