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Well, this past week was our church’s VBS week and that is usually one of the busiest weeks of my summer. I have to be at church no later than 8:00am. It’s not like we don’t get up early around here. During school we are starting no later than 9:00am. But I’m not usually dressed for the day by then. I’m getting the kids started, spending some time in the Word, doing some sort of exercise, things like that. I’m usually ready to leave my house around 10ish. So to have to be up, showered, dressed and ready to leave my house by 8:00am is a huge stretch for me. And by the end of the week, I am quite tired, ok more like exhausted. I don’t do much in the afternoons and evenings during VBS week, just enough to keep the house cleaned, the laundry done and the family fed. So no time or energy for taking photos.
During the past years I’ve taken photos during VBS for the church, but in the past couple of years my VBS duties have kept me busier and busier. Well this year, there were 2 and sometimes 3 other photographers during VBS. I brought my camera on Monday and it never made it out of it’s case. I never did bring it the rest of the week. I know I felt like I wanted to take pictures, but as the week wore on, and I was more and more worn out, I stopped even wanting to take pictures.
Then on Friday night was the VBS’s big party, which we usually stay and help oversee, this year we had free tickets to our local single A baseball game. We have been wanting to make a game for years and just never did, so we weren’t going to turn down these tickets. The man who sold me my camera and is giving a photography class at our church was there. He (Chris) and my girl friend kept telling me I should bring my camera to the baseball game, but I didn’t even want to. I didn’t want to worry about something getting spilled on it, it getting stolen or anything like that. I just wanted to relax and enjoy the game. I did grab my point & shoot, but not my DSLR.
We got to the game, and the first picture I took with my point & shoot felt weird. It was so different and I couldn’t get the shots I wanted. And then about half way through the game I really wished I had brought my DSLR. I used my DSLR for the first time in over a week today, taking some pictures for Mommytography tomorrow and I was shocked how I felt. I really, really missed my camera. I missed taking pictures, I missed staging pictures (which is not my favorite to begin with), I missed holding my camera. I really never realized how much I enjoy photography until just a bit ago when I picked up my camera again. Chris said to me last night that eventually my camera will feel like another appendage, and I think I’m beginning to feel that way. I still don’t know if I’m at the point of taking my camera everywhere, but I have not liked being away from my camera. And I really liked picking it back up today and using it again. Does that sound weird? Maybe it is, but I’m thankful to the Lord for giving me such a fun hobby, and one I can enjoy with other brothers and sisters in the Lord from my church.
Here is a picture from the ball game. I definitely notice a difference since it’s my point & shoot, but I still like the picture. My kids first baseball game, and they loved it.
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