I would appreciate it if you would share this post:
As I’m coming up to my 6 week mark since my surgery, I’ve been thinking a lot about the first few days after I got home. My family and my best friend really rallied around me and took care of me. They made sure we had food in the house, someone always with me for the first week so I didn’t have to pick anything up myself and around in case I had issues. Plus just being with me chatting and keeping me company. You can’t ask for better friends and family than that. 🙂 I wish I had thought to get a picture of my mom and me. She came back when Paul had to go back to work and sat with me for a couple of days. Buying me food, chatting with me and helping me so I didn’t strain myself. Mom, I couldn’t have done it without you. 😀

2 thoughts on “Blessed by friends and family”
Family and friends are truly a blessing! I’m glad you had support.
Beautiful testimony. So glad you are up and about now.
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