Crazy weather

I took these photos on March 25th.  We are starting to get some green in the field behind our house.  There is still a lot of brown around, but I wanted to capture some of the greenery.  Because having it in March is very rare for us.  You can see the snow still on the mountains in the background.




The following photos where taken on March 30th, 5 day later, after church in the morning.  It was raining all day the day before and through the night.  But then by the morning the snow had started and didn’t stop for the longest time.  It was a very wet snow that came down pretty quickly and piled up too, but melted quickly too.

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6 thoughts on “Crazy weather”

  1. oh man, you got way more then we did. I’ll be glad to see green, feel warm and the sun shining. Anytime now would be fine. Great pictures. Love

  2. We are calling it a bipolar winter here! It has been so crazy. had the heat on then the ac ( to pull out humidity on an 80 degree day) and the very next day the heat again. Your photos are beautiful.

  3. Wow! What a difference! I love your pictures, but I hope you get more looking like the top ones soon. I hope spring is here to stay.


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