Doctor update and other things

I went to the doctor today for the follow up blood work on my white blood count. I am still low. 🙁 The doctor did check and I don’t have mono (which a friend of mine had suggested). The doctor said we are just in a monitoring mode right now. I’m wondering if I’m just in the low range all the time. The WBC range is 3.5-10, I was a 3.2, 3.7, then 3.2 again today. And I’m actually feeling good today, well except for my back. So maybe I’m just always on the low range? I don’t know. I will go back in a month, but truthfully I’m tired of dealing with this. If it’s something, I want to know and take care of it, if its nothing, I really don’t want to know my count is low. Oh well, I leave it in the Lord’s hands and know He is the one in control. I’m going to try not to think about it all month.

My back is doing better, it still hurts, but it’s in a different area. That’s a good thing in my opinion, I can tell it’s all healing up. Of course I cleaned today, which wasn’t too bad, until I scrubbed toilets and mopped floors. Yes, I know, crazy. But at least my house is clean now. 🙂

I haven’t started up any exercising yet, and I probably won’t for another week or so. I really want my back feeling better. I still like the idea of T-Tapp, but I just don’t know that I can afford it. The rehab version will cost me over $70, that is so much money. Plus, what if this is just not a workout my body can handle? I hate to spend that kind of money, and then not be able to use it. But I really like the workout and want to try it. Ugh. I hate being in a place like this.

We choose not to celebrate halloween or go to the harvest party at church. We started spending the time together as a family years ago and now we all look forward to it. We prefer not to answer the doors either, it’s just easier that way for us. Usually the kids and I will go some where in the afternoon but today we decided to watch a movie. So right now the kids and I are curled up in my bedroom watching a movie and waiting for Paul to come home. Then we will all go out to dinner at Sizzler. I am hungry just think about. 😉

I’ve been working on two different crochet projects lately. They are fun projects. If you want to see pictures of what I’m working on or read about it you can go to my other blog here.

I didn’t want to end without sharing a photo with you. This is from March, visiting my sister and niece at a local hotel. We all had some fun swimming. I think my back could really use some swimming or at least the hot tub right now. 🙂



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5 thoughts on “Doctor update and other things”

  1. Glad your back is healing up. I have the basic+ workout with TTapp and I enjoy it although I enjoy walking more. Have you checked your library for a copy? I am often surprised as to what dvds my library has. We don’t do Halloween and the kids really don’t mind.

  2. It seems reasonable to think one could have a count a tad lower count than normal and still be normal. I am glad that your back is continuing to do so well. As for the Ttapp, you may get some Christmas money or maybe it is really not that important. Time will tell. 🙂 I am trying to figure out if I should buy a Droid with birthday money or not. Or get something I need like underclothes and shoes. Boring.

  3. I will continue to pray for your back. When I bought t-tapp the way I looked at it was 70 dollars was A LOT cheaper than go to a gym. A one time fee is not too bad. I know how you feel for I felt that way at first. But when I finally did take the plunge and WOW I am loving the outcome. I need to give a update tomorrow on the inches that I am loosing [o= and how I feel. Don’t give up too soon my friend.

    Like Jenn said maybe when you get some gift money and that would be the time.

    Blessings and ((HUGS)) my SSiC

  4. Hi there again,

    Ohh for sure keep watching those sales! I remember one in January. ( that was when I first heard about t-tapp. [o= I ended up getting the Complete Work Out in the end. I ordered the BWO+ and then added on the second part to be the complete workout. I guess I will have to look at what you mean by the rehab workout. I am not familiar with that one. Praying that the perfect sale will happen for you.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))

  5. Hi JoAnn, glad to hear your back is doing better… like you said, perhaps your blood count does just run a bit low. That’s what happens to me temp.-wise. I can be burning up and never read a fever. I have the T-tapp rehab. dvd. It’s quite good and pretty mild, I wouldn’t think it would bother anyone. Just do what you can…I didn’t pay $70 for mine I don’t think…I think it was on sale that particular month…keep checking, they always have sales. Or, it seems like when you order one, then they send a bunch of coupons, so if there was another something cheaper you wanted, get that, and then buy the Rehab dvd with the coupons you get…hopefully they are still doing that. I really got my shoulders and neck out of whack recently, so I’m trying to heal a bit and then want to get back to T-tapping myself. We don’t do halloween or church family-fun night (alternative) either – but Sizzler really sounds good. Wish we had one of those here. Wishing you the best!!!

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