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I don’t have a craft room in our house, but I am thankful that I have a craft area. It’s a simple area, a table and one of those rubbermaid three drawer plastic container. It’s been working ok, but those plastic drawers are not all that sturdy. So for Christmas I asked for a cherry wood, three drawer dresser to use in my craft area. And I was blessed that Paul bought it for me. It makes such a difference in my work area. The drawers are bigger and of course close better than the other one. And it makes the area look so much nicer.

Paul was such a sweetie and helped me put it together on Christmas afternoon so I could get my area set up quickly. Doesn’t it look so much better? And if you are wondering what is on my table it’s one of my Christmas presents a Scrap’n Easel-ette. I haven’t fully used it yet, but I hope to this week. It will make card making so much easier.
4 thoughts on “My crafting area”
oh wow, I love it. Where did Paul get it? your area looks so great. That is what I’m heading to, getting areas workable. And keeping them neat because of the room you have. Can’t wait to come see it in person. Must admit, a little jealous here, but that should motivate me to get the craft room done. Thanks for sharing, it looks fantastic. Love
Love it! I wish I only needed such a small space for crafting. I tend to need two tables and tons of storage for sewing ( quilting).
Great guy! So much nicer when things are organized!
Very nice! I have a homeschool area, with plastic drawers. The craft area is a knitting basket full of cross-stitch supplies and my cross-stitch stand, at the moment.
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