My daughter is fencing!

Yes,  you read it right, my daughter is fencing!!! 😀 Well right now she is going to a fencing camp and will most likely start taking true lessons this fall. So how did she start this? I really have no idea. We live in such a small area of Idaho. One day she came to me and said, “Mom, I want to learn how to fence.” I think I chuckled a little and said something like, “Honey if you can find a place around here that you can learn fencing at, go for it.” Yeah, I know. As a mom I really need to watch those off the cuff responses, thinking that she won’t find anything in our small neck of the woods that has anything to do with fencing. Obviously she proved me wrong. About an hour or so later she said, “Mom, I found a place right here in town!” lol

Yes, I was shocked, but happy too. She found out where it was and that they are having 6 different 4 day a week summer camps. Her and Paul went to check it out to make sure it was legit and safe, and they came home and were both hooked. 😉 She started camp this past Monday and has loved it. Paul went with her Monday, then all of us went Tuesday. I took tons of pictures Tuesday only to realize I had my ISO setting wrong and none of the pictures turned out. 🙁 So I went again with her today and got some great pictures.

She really enjoys what she is doing, and is really good at it so far. She will go to a couple of more camps and then decide by Labor Day if she wants to start going to the classes (which I think she will). Tomorrow will be her first day going by herself, and I think that will be good for her. No one there to make her nervous, she can really just learn what she’s doing.

This is a photo packed post, mainly for my family who reads this blog. 🙂 But I hope you enjoy all the pictures too.

These two collages are of all the warm up and training they do before they start to actually fence. This instructor is really good. He was an alternate on the Olympics team years ago, and he’s trained many students that made junior Olympics. He’s really nice too.


colage2 copy

Now an actual suit she wouldn’t be wearing jeans, but I love how she looks anyway.



This is the hat, glove and foil sword she uses while learning. If she really likes it and starts taking classes in the fall, we’ll get her a complete suit.


Now here she is fencing. She is the one in the dark jeans on the left in each photo. I think she does great. I am one proud mama.








Ok, again, I have to repeat myself. I am one proud mama. 😀

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7 thoughts on “My daughter is fencing!”

  1. I’m one proud grandma. She looks awesome. And looks like she has good form with the sword. Wow. That is so great. I’ll show this to Dad. Love the pictures. Love

  2. I took fencing in college for two semesters…loved it! You get quite a workout. I hope she enjoys it as much as I did! So cool.

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