My Saturday

It’s Saturday night and usually we are at church (we like to go to our church’s Saturday night services). But only Paul went to help with the ushing, then he’ll come home. We are all a bit under the weather. Sarah is dealing with a cold, Paulie pulled a muscle in his neck, and Paul and I are just tired and blah. I sometimes feel like a cold is coming on, then it goes away, hope it keeps going away. We were really looking forward to the baseball game tonight, but that was canceled.  Yes, we’re having a bit of a bummer of a night.

I’m also getting frustrated with my website. I want to update it. I want to change the look and feel of it, but I just can’t figure out how I want it to look. I really like the technical aspect of putting together a website, but I’m just not artistic enough for the graphical part of it. And truly at this point, I wonder if that means I shouldn’t be trying to develop websites. Because if I can’t figure out what looks good together, how can I design websites? Obviously something I need to take to the Lord in prayer and see what He wants me to do.

Hmm, i just re-read this entry and so far it is a bit of a downer, sorry. It’s hard to type happy, fun blogs when you are not feeling the best, but lets see if I can lighten things up a bit.

Paul’s back is healed, I’m so blessed by that. It’s not easy watching your husband hurting so much. And of course husbands don’t like to not be able to work. But it was great that he had two days of doing school with the kids. They are doing well, and it was such an encouragement for the kids and for Paul to be working together. And it was so sweet to see. Here’s a picture of their time working together.


Other than that, not much else has been going on. We’ve been busy with park time, getting as much outdoor park time in as we can before the cold weather hits. We’ve cleaned out the kids winter clothes, and took a big load of old clothes, boots & toys and donated them to the local thrift store. We were going to go shopping this weekend for the new winter items they need, but obviously with how we feel, that will be postponed until next week sometime. We had a great time at the library this week. Sarah, who wants to be a librarian, is having fun learning more and more about libraries and how they work and the Dewey Decimal System, things like that. Of course talking to her about the old card catalogs is funny, since she’s only used the online catalogs. Showing my age again.

Well, we decided to watch National Treasure, so I should probably get off the computer. I also want to work on my Christmas gifts. I’m almost done with them.  So since tonight (or today) hasn’t gone like we thought it would, it would be a nice way to end the day. Watching a movie with the family and working on crafts. Always fun.


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