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It’s been a while since I last updated, and all is going well with us. As I’m sure was the same with all of you, we had a great Christmas. It was an awesome time of celebration and we were all very blessed with the things we received. We had a great dinner on Christmas Eve at a friends house. Our meal on Christmas day was very yummy, a friend had given us a ham. We had a nice relaxed day, playing with our gifts and enjoying good food. I got an MP3 player, a 8GB flash drive and a bible cover. Those were the main things I wanted. Here are a couple of pictures from our day.

On Friday we took down all the decorations and got the house cleaned up. It was nice to have our window back and all the sunlight come in. Saturday was Paul’s birthday. We surprised him with a gift he wasn’t expecting, and then I baked him a cake. We also had to do our grocery shopping because bad weather was due in. In the evening we went to church and I made sure everyone knew it was his birthday. He even got sung to a couple of times.
Sunday Sarah and I went to the movies and lunch. Sarah won a gift card to the theaters a while back from youth group and we finally used it. We did a little shopping first, then had some lunch at a local Mexican restaurant we like then saw Marley & Me. The movie was o.k., more adult humor and theme then they portrayed in the commercials, but some funny parts. Regardless we had a great time.
Today the weather is unbelievable. We are in the low 40’s with sun and the snow is melting. That is shocking for us, this is like the midwest getting into the 60’s. It’s great. We got to clean off the driveway completely and we are actually seeing some grass. Of course tomorrow we’ll only be in the 20’s so everything will freeze, that’s not good. But I’ll take the sun, melting snow and seeing a little grass. I’ve really missed it. We were covered with snow, too much too soon. I’m enjoying this.
Tomorrow Paul and I are going on a lunch date, last one before he starts his new job. I thought just coffee, but he wanted to go out to lunch too, what a sweetie. New Years Eve will pretty much just be us. I’ll make my usual munchie things, and some friends may come by for a bit, but they have little kids, so I don’t think they’ll stay until midnight. We’ll play our games, and eat our food like we usually do. Thursday we’ll just rest up and then Friday is Paul’s first day of work. It’s nice that he works one day, then has the weekend off before starting a full week.
We have to get our schedules turned back around, we are staying up way too late and getting up way too late. Plus it will be weird having Paul gone. He’s been home with us for so long, it will take a bit getting use too. He doesn’t start his shift until 10:00am, he use to start at 8:00am, so our mornings will now be a bit different too. All new things, but fun.
I hope you’ve all had a great Christmas and that you have a blessed New Year.
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