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For Sunday February 22
Outside my window…Bright sunshine and blue skies. But it is a bit cooler than it has been lately, only in the 30’s. Plus we even had a dusting of snow yesterday, but it melted quickly.
I am thankful…For a husband who works so hard to provide for his family.
In the kitchen…Pasta bake, nachos, and egg and ham muffins. I’m getting in the kitchen more, but still not a huge desire of mine. 🙁
I am wearing…Black, casual pants and a gray top.
I am creating…Just finished a crocheted spa cloth. It’s like a dish cloth but bigger and meant specifically to be used in the bath or shower. But I forgot to take a picture of it before giving it to Sarah. 😉
I am going…To go for a walk after this post, I have decided. lol
I am wondering…What new craft to start. I’m either going to make another spa cloth or I’m going to practice my knitting. I don’t know why, but I feel like I ‘should’ practice my knitting so I’m doing something new. Like it’s wrong if I don’t do something new. Silly, I know. I will probably start another spa cloth, because that’s what I really want to do.
I am hoping…That our tax return comes quickly now that I’ve finally filed it.
I am looking forward to…Starting a new book, once I decide which one.
I am learning…To relax more around the house and not worry so much about work.
Around the house…Finally got our new tub installed and finished. Our landlord got it done this past week and the kids are quite happy about that.
I am pondering…What to start taking more photos of. Though we have a beautiful view from our backyard, I’m getting a little tired of it. I need to drive around to our local river and falls and take some new photos.
One of my favorite things…How blessed my husband is with the things I do around the house and for him.
A few plans for the rest of the week…I have a dental cleaning, hope to go to the library, grocery shopping and a concert at a church about an hour from us. It should be a good week.
A peek into my day…Well, this really isn’t a peak into today, but a shot from last year. This is from February 2014. What a difference we had in our weather.

3 thoughts on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 2/22”
Enjoyed your blog. I should try and do something like that once in a while. Write things down. I don’t journal or anything so I’ve never tried it. I need to try that spa cloth. I liked the look of it when I saw you Saturday. Well Need to work today then hopefully to get the pantry done. Love
I hope your refund comes quickly. I have heard they are slow this year. I am eager for ours, too. Our refrigerator is making a noise that reminds me of a mooing cow. Not good.
Yay for doing the craft you want to do! Spa cloths sound like a good idea–why waste all that good knitting on dishes?
It’s great to peek into your day like this. I hope that this week was good for you too.
God bless you.
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