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Outside my window…Blue skies with some clouds and very, very green. I am so happy with today’s weather. We have had so much rain lately, it seems like we live in Seattle and things are flooding around town. Thankfully no flood in our house and lots of green grass and trees. But I’m just tired of all the rain and clouds. One of the things I love about our weather is the long days of sun. I miss that.
I am thinking…How bummed I am that I missed last weeks blog updates. We had such a great time at the craft conference, but the internet in the hotel was horrible. No way to connect and get posts done. But that’s ok, I get to do them this week.
I am thankful…For such a great time at church today. I haven’t been able to go to church in a few weeks, and it’s been sorely missed. It was such a balm to my soul.
In the kitchen…Bread is rising in the oven, bbq meatballs, pasta bake, ham and potato soup and we’ll be grilling on Tuesday, Paul’s day off. Some yummy Italian sausage and brats.
I am wearing…Jean capris, blue short sleeved shirt and socks. Plus some jewelry. I had stopped wearing jewelry for some reason, I guess because I don’t always go out much I don’t feel the need. But I’m trying to start wear it more often. Just because I’m home doesn’t mean I can’t look nice. 😛
I am creating…I’m going to work on a new macrame bracelet. I think black cord and some pretty pink beads.
I am going…No where today. Paulie’s youth group was cancelled for the holiday, so I get to stay home, relax, start a macrame bracelet and make some bread.
I am wondering…Why I let my schedule get so out of hand thinking I have no control. 😕 I realized today some changes I need to make, and realized how much I’ve used the excuse “I just have to”. Really? I don’t think it’s as urgent as my mind likes to make it seem, especially with work. It makes me feel needed and like they can’t make it without me, that I’m indispensable, which is just crazy and so not true. But worse than that, I’m keep allowing myself to get my full identity from what I do (whether work, homelife, ministry etc…) instead of from the Lord. And I know this is wrong, I’ve written about it and me dealing with it, on this blog lots of times, and yet I’m still trying to learn it and apply it to my life. That my schedule doesn’t have to be jam packed to make me look and feel good. But that the Lord has given me things to do and a time to do it, and I need to get all my worth from Him, and try and be a blessing in what He has for me to do. Man, I really hope it sticks this time.
I am reading…Finally finished True Valor. So now I’m listening to The Still of Night by Kristen Heitzmann. Plus I’m reading Their Frontier Family by Lyn Cote. But I also just checked out the ebook version of The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson. This is the first book in the Walt Longmire Mystery series that the A&E show Longmire is based off of. That is one of my favorite shows, so I thought I would see how the book is. I hope to start it this evening.
I am hoping…Well, like I just said, I’m hoping to start The Cold Dish tonight, but I’m also hoping I can get started on my macrame bracelet today too.
I am looking forward to…Grilling with hubby on Tuesday and finishing up school with Paulie on Friday. Yep, this is our last week of school for the year. I need to get his portfolio together and our school bookcase/catch all cleaned up. That will probably take me longer than Paulie and his classes. 😛
Around the house…Bread about to go in the oven, Paulie in his room working on his YouTube videos, the keyboard on my laptop as I type this and the clocks ticking throughout the house.
I am pondering…Where I can get a good Aloe plant and Spider plant. I read this great article on MollyGreen.com, Nine Indoor Plants that Remove Toxins, and I really want to get a couple of these plants. Sarah has an allergy to formaldehyde and when I saw quite a few of these plants help with that, plus other toxins, I thought it would be great to get. I picked the Aloe and Spider plants because I use aloe a lot. Right now I have a bottle of natural Aloe, but would much rather use it from a plant. The Spider plant I want because it says you don’t need a green thumb! 😛 I am absolutely no good with plants, and usually kill them all, but I’ve mainly had flowers in the house. I’m hoping I’ll do better with plants. I looked for them at the Farmers Market this past Saturday when Paul and I went, but couldn’t find any. Guess I’ll have to run to the nursery up the road.
One of my favorite things…Learning new crafts from our craft weekend.
A few plans for the rest of the week…Going to the eye doctor with Paul for his yearly exam, grilling, the library and Friday morning coffee with friends.
A peek into my day…This is really a peek into my day last week. A selfie of mom and me at the conference last week.

1 thought on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 5/24”
oh ugh I look horrible but you look great and it was a fun weekend. Love
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