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FOR Sunday June 21st
Outside my window…Partly cloudy, but very green. It’s getting pretty warm out too. So glad Paul and Paulie put the window a/c in a few days ago.
I am thankful…That I was able to get the plants I wanted. Remember when I brought up the article about plants helping with the toxins in the air? Since then I wanted to get a spider plant and an aloe plant. So hubby and I went looking for plants a few weeks ago and found a spider plant and a peace lily (which also help). Then my mom found some aloe plants for me. 😛

In the kitchen…I’ve been trying to cook more. Still not my most favorite thing, but we have been enjoying some good meals. Plus, I’m really thankful how easy gluten free cooking has become for us. We are back to normal meals, just all without the gluten. 🙂 Spaghetti and meatballs, eggs and baked potatoes, pasta and alfredo sauce, chicken strips, taco bar, baked mac and cheese, and lots of salads.
I am wearing…Dark blue workout shorts and a grey tshirt. It’s my lazy day today, so I’m wearing my laying around the house clothes. lol
I am creating…I’m working on a crochet project that’s going to be a small basket. As you can see in the picture, I still crochet very tightly, but I’m hoping it turns out well. The book in the background is where I got the pattern, and the small basket is what I’m making.

I am going…To continue to relax today and only do fun things. I’ve been really exhausted lately, trying to do too much. So today, with hubby’s encouragement, I’m really not going to do anything except fun things that relax me, like writing this post.
I am reading…Sanctuary Breached by Lisa Phillips and listing to True Honor by Dee Henderson.
I am looking forward to…Celebrating Father’s Day Monday night and Tuesday. With Paul’s schedule we hardly ever celebrate Father’s or Mother’s day on the actual day. This year, with Sarah’s and Paul’s schedule, trying to find one day that we can celebrate together is hard. Because of that we have decided to have it on two days. Paul has Tuesday off, but not Sarah, and I don’t want him to have to wait until the end of the day to get his gifts. So we are giving him his gifts on Monday night after work, around 8:30pm. Then on Tuesday, we’ll grill some steaks for him in the late afternoon when Sarah gets home. He’s excited about it, and so am I. I know he’s going to love what we got him. But I’m telling you, it’s getting harder and harder to schedule family things with an 18yo and almost 20yo. 😛
I am learning…To remind myself to relax and unwind a bit more at the end of the day. I think I’m just pushing myself too hard sometimes.
Around the house…This time my ‘around the house’ are pictures of my aloe plants my mom gave me. I have one in our bedroom and one on the counter between the kitchen and living room. I love the pots I found for them too.

A few plans for the rest of the week…Celebrating Father’s day, having dinner at our friends house, library, and coffee with friends.
A peek into my day…This is my next indoor plants project. I’m going to have an herb garden in my kitchen. I’ve had this stand for years, and I’m finally going to use it. I’m thinking basil, oregano, chives and one other thing, just not sure what. Plus I haven’t decided if I’ll put in it one long pot like the one on the bottom or individual pots. Two of the pots on top are for Sarah’s plants. She got an aloe and spider plant too.

4 thoughts on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 6/21”
Good write up. Love the stand for the herbs. That Peace Lily is beautiful. And of course the basket, I need to try that one. Is very easy for sure. It was great being with you Saturday. Love
Love all the plants! I would have more, but my cats are not plant friendly. 🙂
So sorry your plant didn’t survive. I’m realizing how much water peace lily’s need, but so far it’s still around. Glad my post brought a smile to you. 🙂
I love your plant pots! They are beautiful. I had a peace lily for years. Alas, it died when we spent a month in Scotland this year. Oddly enough, the lady who had given it to me spent a good part of that month in the hospital. I am happy to say, she got well again!
So I continue on with a windowsill full of African violets. I thought I had killed a couple of them when I was gone too, but after repotting, they have all come back, and some are doing extremely well. I have one my Mom gave me years ago, and I’m glad to say that one is thriving!
Sorry I’m so far behind on reading. I haven’t even done a daybook post recently.
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