Outside my window…It would be blue skies, but it’s more like smokey blue skies. We have fires all around us here in Idaho. Nothing close enough to cause us any problems but the smoke is now coming around us. And the smoke really bothers my allergies. Yesterday, though it was a beautiful day, I had to have the windows closed and the A/C on to keep the smoke out. Today, the smoke isn’t as intense, so that’s nice. I can leave my windows open.
I am thinking…That I can’t believe it’s time to start up school again already. Paulie starts this week. And I’ve just finished getting all his curriculum set up and ready to go. We usually have a back to school lunch to go over his schedule, but this year we’ll have it the 2nd week of school. No time right now, but it’s such a tradition we can’t not do it on the last year of school ever for us. 🙂
I am thankful…For the great visit I had with my brother last week. He came in to town to hang with my parents but we did get to spend one day together. It was fun to see him and great to have the family together again. We got a great family photo out of it.
In the kitchen…Kind of mellow. Baked pasta, grilled burgers and brats, pasta alfredo, and we ate out for Sarah’s birthday.
I am wearing…Black pants with a sleeveless blue top.
I am creating…I’m working on fingerless gloves for me, Sarah and my sister. I got a new brand of cotton yarn from Hobby Lobby that I’ve never used before, and it seems way softer than the stuff I normally use. So we all want new gloves with it. 🙂
I am looking forward to…Fun birthday plans this week. My birthday is this Thursday and Paul has my actual birthday off, which is a nice surprise. Instead of having them take me out for a birthday meal like I usually do, I want to stay home and grill a nice steak with potatoes, fresh corn on the cob and yummy homemade cake. Sarah has the day off too, so the whole family gets to be together.
Around the house…Normal Sunday things. I’m watching a movie, working on blog posts and Paulie is in his room working on his laptop. Paul and Sarah are at work.
One of my favorite things…Celebrating Sarah’s 20th birthday last week. First, I can’t even believe she is 20! She loved what we blessed her with and we had a nice meal at the Sizzler. Again, we got to celebrate it on her actual birthday last week, which was nice. I’m not sure how many more birthdays we’ll all be together as the kids keep getting older and have plans with their friends. But it’s nice we still had this year.
A few plans for the rest of the week…Starting school, hope to get together for coffee with a friend, birthday fun and then the ‘normal’ things like the library.
A peek into my day…
Love this picture from Sarah’s birthday. My babies are all grown up. 🙂
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4 thoughts on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 8/16”
love this blog you always show neat things. that is a great picture of Sarah and Paulie. Have a blessed day Love
4 thoughts on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 8/16”
love this blog you always show neat things. that is a great picture of Sarah and Paulie. Have a blessed day Love
Happy birthday to you this week! May God bless the next year for you.
And Sarah is 20! Wow! Enjoy this time you still have with her.
Happy first week of school. We have another 3 weeks, and I’m so thankful.
Babies growing up is something I have to get used to.
Happy Birthday, Jo-Ann!
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