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Outside my window…Almost blue, clear skies, meaning the smoke is starting to clear. We have fires all around us. Nothing that is close enough to cause us any problems, other than the smoke. We are in a bit of a bowl and when there are fires all around us, the smoke tends to settle around us. It’s been pretty bad lately, but it’s looking clearer today. For that I am thoroughly blessed.
I am thinking…That I can’t believe school has already started. We’ve had our first full week of school, and it’s gone great. Paulie only has a couple of courses, so it makes the day go quickly.
I am thankful…For all the awesome gifts I received on my birthday. I was surprised when my mom and sister showed up unexpectently. Paul had taken me out to breakfast, and when we got back, they showed up. I opened up some great gifts, then we all went to Hobby Lobby to spend some of the gift cards I got. 🙂 Then Paul and kids finished spoiling me the rest of the day with allowing me to watch my movies, Paul making me yummy steaks on the grill and driving me back and forth while I looked at new cell phones.
In the kitchen…Rice and ham casserole, yummy steaks on the grill for my birthday, and as silly as this is, Multi-Grain Cheerios. 🙂 Cheerios is now gluten free, and our store is just starting to get them. We’ve been waiting for about 2 months to be able to eat real Cheerios again. I know there is some controversy about it, but we are giving it a try. Everyone is real excited to have their favorite cereal available again.
I am wearing…Blue cotton shorts and a red and white sleeveless shirt.
I am creating…Fingerless gloves, and this current post. lol
I am reading…When a Heart Stops by Lynette Eason and listening to The Last Word by Kathy Herman, who has quickly become my most favorite author.
I am looking forward to…Starting a new book Paul got me for my birthday called Not by Sight by Kathy Herman. I started reading her books about a month or so ago, and she has become one of my favorite authors. One of the things I like the most is that in the books I’ve read so far, all her main characters are already married. But she tackles some pretty tough subjects within marriage, while there is some sort of murder or something going on too. I’m really enjoying all the books I’ve read so far.
Around the house…I’m watching The Beast while writing this post, doing laundry, and cooking rice for dinner tonight.
One of my favorite things…I like all my things I got for my birthday, but my most favorite is the extra money I got so I could buy a new cell phone. More about that in my Friday favorites post. 🙂
A few plans for the rest of the week…Normal grocery shopping, library etc… but the ‘big’ thing is on Wednesday Sarah is having her wisdom teeth taken out. This is the first kind of ‘surgery’ or anything like this that she’s ever had, so she is quite nervous. I’m thankful Paul got the day off, so he can go with us. I’m sure all will go fine, but still, I’ll be glad when it’s over.
A peek into my day…

2 thoughts on “Simple Woman’s Daybook ~ 8/23”
Love reading your blog. I’ll be praying for Sarah. It will be fine but I know its hard till its done. Loved surprising you on your birthday. It was a lot of fun. We still have a lot of smoke around be glad when the skies clear. Be blessed Love
Happy Very Belated Birthday! Does that make you older or younger than I? 🙂
Thinking of Sarah. I still remember when I got mine pulled. An ordeal to be sure, but it passed.
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