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Outside my window…Overcast skies, but warmer. I see snow melting, and that means a lot to us. We have piles and piles of snow and where we haven’t touched it, we have close to two feet of snow. I am done with the snow this season. 🙂
I am thinking…That I am totally done with winter this year. I usually don’t mind our winters and snow, but this year, we’ve had so much snow, I’m done. 😉 I keep telling Paul that Northern Arizona is looking pretty good. I want warmer, but I still like my seasons. Once we get into spring, I’ll like being here again, but right now, I wish I was a snow bird. 😀
I am thankful…That in a couple of months we get to go to Arizona for a family reunion on Paul’s side! We can’t wait. It will be the first time we’ve been together, with all his family, since our wedding almost 23 years ago. We’ve seen each other at different times since then, but all the siblings haven’t been together in one place since our wedding. It should be a great time.
In the kitchen…With Sarah home, I get a break from cooking, it’s part of her rent to cook all the meals. It’s a blessing to me, and I’m thankful for it. With her cooking, we’ve had chili, bbq meatballs and mashed potatoes, meatball soup, ham & potato soup.
I am creating…Bookmarks right now. I do want to start a new wrap around shawl but I haven’t found a pattern I like yet.
I am reading…Cold Shot by Dani Pettrey. She is one of my most favorite authors and I have this book and the next to read. I’ve been holding off reading the this book until I got the next book, and that just came out. Now that I have both, I’m doing a marathon reading. 😀 It’s great so far, and I can’t wait to finish it.
I am looking forward to…Spring. 😀
I am learning…Lots of new things. I’m taking courses at Udemy.com learning some new skills to expand what I do for work and more. I’ve taken a starter course for Linux systems, and I’m going to take the next course to learn more. I’ve started MySQL Development courses, and I have plans to take a PHP, Python and JavaScript course too. I’m really enjoying them so far, and learning a lot. I think I’m going to start the Python course next while I continue with the MySQL.
Around the house…Sarah’s making dinner in the kitchen, Paulie is in his room. I’m relaxing in the living room writing this post then going to read my book. 🙂
A few plans for the rest of the week…We are hoping to visit my parents sometime this week. This time of year it’s so hard to schedule visits because of the weather. The road to their house has been closed multiple times this year, and I don’t want to get stuck out there. Plus the drive itself can be hard if its not clear out. But this week it’s supposed to be nicer, so we are hoping to be able to make it.
A peek into my day…
