We have snow!

Yep, we got our first solid day of snow yesterday. We have gotten snow once or twice before this, but that melted quickly. This stuff, well it’s already melting a bit, but I expect some to stay around for a while. It was only an inch or so, but it looked nice. Of course we drove during the worst of the storm, going to the library. We wanted to get there and get back before it got worse. Well, it didn’t get worse, actually it stopped snowing by the time we got home. Guess we could have waited another hour or so and we wouldn’t have had to drive in the snow. Oh well, it was a fun time as a family. Hubby even got to go with, being it was his day off. That is a rare treat for us. 🙂



The only thing that bummed the kids out was that they had to shovel it. But look at that nice, clear driveway. They did a great job. 😀

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